Certified Electrician
Searching for a reliable, honest and certified Melbourne Electrician?
That search is now over as we have a team of specialized electricians that are all certified and ready to deliver you the very best in Melbourne strata management services.
We know all too well that strata maintenance is of major importance for your jointly owned Melbourne property and one that we and our specialised strata managers are more than able to meet both your needs and requirements.
Alongside electrical maintenance we can also offer equipment repairing, fault finding and machine replacement as just some of the many services we can provide in Melbourne. We are the name that you can trust when you are in need of a professional Melbourne electrician.
We can guarantee that you will get the highest quality strata management services provided by our team of expert strata management electricians.
How We Can Help!
- Installations of power systems, lighting and security systems
- Rewiring work on current architecture or new wiring projects
- Scheduled client visits and audits
- All maintenance and other services all comply with law and regulations
Please ensure that all of your tenants are fully aware of where all fire extinguishers, alarms and other safety equipment and systems are in your property as this could help to save lives before we are able to arrive on the scene. This sharing of responsibilities can go a long way to ensuring that your multiplex building or commercial house has the best chance of limiting any damage should an emergency arise.
Additionally, we ask that you keep your tenants well up to date with any laws and any new strata developments that we notify you with. This will again enable everybody involved to know exactly what to do should any kind of emergency occur.
When it comes to the electrical systems of your Melbourne property, prevention is most certainly better than cure. The more safety procedures and systems in place will have a massive effect on the amount of damages or losses and will enable us to be notified and at the scene in an efficient manner.
We work in a methodical fashion when providing strata management and maintenance services, starting with getting our strata managers and expert Melbourne electricians to do a complete checkup on the property before moving on to fault finding.
Once faults have been found we then call in our electricians to get to work on doing what needs to be done on your electrical systems.
We are confident that the faultless reputation we have earned over the years alongside the quality of our strata managers and certified electricians will ensure that we will be the first you call when you are in need of strata maintenance.